Day 139 ::: War with a Mosquito

So for a little over a week now, there's been this mosquito camping out inside the goose. It really didn't bother me too much in the beginning. In fact, I would even leave the windows and sunroof cracked open so that he could make his way outside to freedom. Sure I could hear him buzzing around sometimes during the middle of the night, but I never really let it get to me.

However, lately, he's been making a meal out of me. Eleven different occasions to be exact. I thought he left last weekend after I had thought was a thorough cleaning of the van; I even washed the curtains. But alas, around 2am in the morning, he resurfaced our of the darkness. And once again, taunted me by buzzing around, waiting until I'd fall asleep to make his move.

Tonight's going to be different though. After work gets out, I'm gonna pick up some bug spray and a good ol' fashioned fly swatter. Then we'll see who gets to have the last laugh tonight. MUHAHAHA!