Day 157

I woke up this morning just really feeling down on life. Which is strange 'cause everything has been going so well lately; work especially. But when I woke up, it was as if everything that could normally sadden me decided to hit me all at once. I didn't even know where to start focusing. Even now as I'm writing this blog, my thoughts are everywhere and nowhere at once. I've even had one of Jon Foreman's more melancholy songs playing on a loop the last few hours which has helped some.

Maybe that's what's missing. Since moving into the goose, I haven't been playing nearly as much as I used to. Whenever i used to get bummed out about things, I would just sit down in front of a piano or mess around on the guitar for a few hours, and by the end, I would usually have everything sorted out.

Anyways, not sure where I'm really going with any of this. But I guess this is the first time since I've been living out of my van that I've been down is all.