Last night, I left work early to go to my friend Alexa's surprise birthday party. But when I arrived to my van, I was in for a "surprise" of my own. (Please excuse my David Caruso one liner CSI moment.)
Apparently, the proximity sensor for the car alarm was on the fritz, and the Goose had been acting up the entire day. 11 hours of loud and constant beeping would be enough to drive anyone mad. Especially for anyone in the apartments or office buildings directly across from me. Oops.
Needless to say, after their threshold had been reached, a few people felt the need to take action into their own hands. A couple notes were left on my windshield. One was written with a sharpie on a blank sheet of white computer paper, which probably came from the office directly across the street from me. The other note was written in pen on graph paper that was carefully covered by saran wrap, which makes it safe to assume that a resident from the apartment building left that one.

Someone even threw their food at my driver's side window. Yummmmmmy.

It's been a while since I've been called an "asshole." The last time was in high school I think. At any rate, I couldn't help but laugh to myself. Without lifting a finger or saying a word, I had managed to evoke so much anger that a couple people stopped their daily routine to come out to my van and release their emotions with a note and some sort of food like substance. I wasn't really frustrated or angry about the notes either. The food was a little extreme, but I can understand that need for physical release. I generally just punch my pillow, but different strokes for different folks I suppose.
When I got to Alexa's birthday party, the alarm went off twice within a matter of 15 minutes. I can't imagine what 11 hours of it must've been like. After the second time, I called my parents to see if they could get a hold of our mechanic Lionel, and ask him about how to disable a car alarm. 20 minutes, later, I disabled and reset the battery, and everything was working fine again.
After the party however, I parked in a different spot for the night. Not out of fear or anything, but I figured I had given those apartment folks enough trouble for one day. And it actually works out better to be honest. The new spot is even closer to work, (I now walk 1 block instead of 3,) and there's even a nice patch of grass just outside my sliding door. Which basically means: I'VE GOT A FRONT LAWN BABY! ! ! :D
Apparently, the proximity sensor for the car alarm was on the fritz, and the Goose had been acting up the entire day. 11 hours of loud and constant beeping would be enough to drive anyone mad. Especially for anyone in the apartments or office buildings directly across from me. Oops.
Needless to say, after their threshold had been reached, a few people felt the need to take action into their own hands. A couple notes were left on my windshield. One was written with a sharpie on a blank sheet of white computer paper, which probably came from the office directly across the street from me. The other note was written in pen on graph paper that was carefully covered by saran wrap, which makes it safe to assume that a resident from the apartment building left that one.
Someone even threw their food at my driver's side window. Yummmmmmy.
It's been a while since I've been called an "asshole." The last time was in high school I think. At any rate, I couldn't help but laugh to myself. Without lifting a finger or saying a word, I had managed to evoke so much anger that a couple people stopped their daily routine to come out to my van and release their emotions with a note and some sort of food like substance. I wasn't really frustrated or angry about the notes either. The food was a little extreme, but I can understand that need for physical release. I generally just punch my pillow, but different strokes for different folks I suppose.
When I got to Alexa's birthday party, the alarm went off twice within a matter of 15 minutes. I can't imagine what 11 hours of it must've been like. After the second time, I called my parents to see if they could get a hold of our mechanic Lionel, and ask him about how to disable a car alarm. 20 minutes, later, I disabled and reset the battery, and everything was working fine again.
After the party however, I parked in a different spot for the night. Not out of fear or anything, but I figured I had given those apartment folks enough trouble for one day. And it actually works out better to be honest. The new spot is even closer to work, (I now walk 1 block instead of 3,) and there's even a nice patch of grass just outside my sliding door. Which basically means: I'VE GOT A FRONT LAWN BABY! ! ! :D