Day 305 ::: beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep

Last night, I left work early to go to my friend Alexa's surprise birthday party. But when I arrived to my van, I was in for a "surprise" of my own. (Please excuse my David Caruso one liner CSI moment.)

Apparently, the proximity sensor for the car alarm was on the fritz, and the Goose had been acting up the entire day. 11 hours of loud and constant beeping would be enough to drive anyone mad. Especially for anyone in the apartments or office buildings directly across from me. Oops.

Needless to say, after their threshold had been reached, a few people felt the need to take action into their own hands. A couple notes were left on my windshield. One was written with a sharpie on a blank sheet of white computer paper, which probably came from the office directly across the street from me. The other note was written in pen on graph paper that was carefully covered by saran wrap, which makes it safe to assume that a resident from the apartment building left that one.

Someone even threw their food at my driver's side window. Yummmmmmy.

It's been a while since I've been called an "asshole." The last time was in high school I think. At any rate, I couldn't help but laugh to myself. Without lifting a finger or saying a word, I had managed to evoke so much anger that a couple people stopped their daily routine to come out to my van and release their emotions with a note and some sort of food like substance. I wasn't really frustrated or angry about the notes either. The food was a little extreme, but I can understand that need for physical release. I generally just punch my pillow, but different strokes for different folks I suppose.

When I got to Alexa's birthday party, the alarm went off twice within a matter of 15 minutes. I can't imagine what 11 hours of it must've been like. After the second time, I called my parents to see if they could get a hold of our mechanic Lionel, and ask him about how to disable a car alarm. 20 minutes, later, I disabled and reset the battery, and everything was working fine again.

After the party however, I parked in a different spot for the night. Not out of fear or anything, but I figured I had given those apartment folks enough trouble for one day. And it actually works out better to be honest. The new spot is even closer to work, (I now walk 1 block instead of 3,) and there's even a nice patch of grass just outside my sliding door. Which basically means: I'VE GOT A FRONT LAWN BABY! ! ! :D

Day 299 ::: Rain, rain, go away. . .

I've been able to sleep through rain plenty of times before, but the rain was pretty relentless last night. Woke up around 1:30ish or so in the morning and couldn't get back to sleep till after 4 sometime. Even moved my van a couple times to see if parking it under a tree, or in the pathway of a building would help. But ultimately, an ipod playing movie soundtracks accompanied by two pillows around the ears did the trick.

I guess that's one downside of having an insulated home. Can't really block out too much when you're living in a metal igloo. I've seen car commercials that claim they can block out the sound from the world around them; but I think the Goose was built long before their time.

Day 291 ::: Verdier

My friend Amy sent me a link to this amazing van this morning. . . I think I'm in love.

Definitely check out their site if you get the chance. It's:

Day 290 ::: Free Plumbing

The other night, a sprinkler head near the spot I usually park at busted open, and water was spraying out everywhere. So I did the only thing I could think of: brush my teeth, washed my hands, and then went to bed.

Day 275 ::: The Next Step

I started taking sailing lessons today, thus beginning my first steps towards the next chapter of my life. It was incredible. I had been on boats before, but this was a completely different experience. It's kinda like that feeling you get when you're a teenager, and you make that transition from being just a passenger in a car to being able to drive it. Only, sailing is about 100x better.

One of my closest friends Ang also signed up too. Having a familiar face around really makes this experience a lot more enjoyable. Plus, if/when I do get my boat, it'll be great having another person onboard who will know what's going on.

Our sailing instructor Cameron had also recently moved out of his apartment and onto his boat with wife. I thought I'd ask him what the process was like; however Cameron's answer wasn't too promising. Basic reader's digest version: A lot of the yacht clubs are being pressured by surrounding wealthy homeowners to no longer allow people to live aboard their vessel. So say a yacht club has 200 slips within the marina, only 10 of them might be live aboard slips. Another thing he mentioned that was somewhat disheartening was that it's taken him and his wife 5 years to find the sailboat they want as well as a slip to dock it in.

Looks like I could be in the Goose a bit longer than originally planned.

Day 266 ::: Mr. and Mrs. Douchey McDoucherson

Because the Goose isn't equipped with a kitchen of her own (yet,) I generally have to eat out for every meal. So tonight, I decided to go to this semi-fast food restaurant called Fat Burger to grab a quick bite to eat and to work on a project I have for work. And while I was eating my meal, perhaps the douchiest couple i've ever witnessed came walking through the front door.

I try my best to generally not slander anyone, but these two were incredible. They were easily in their mid 50's and were obviously not wealthy; but they carried this persona that suggested the world was meant to serve their every need.

There were two employees that worked the front. Both hispanic women probably in their late 30's. One worked the grill and didn't speak much english, while the other worked the cash register and spoke fluently.

I really didn't take notice of the couple until they started ordering. They were pretty loud and they were acting as if they were designing the next iphone. The color and size of the meat, how melted the cheese is, was the lettuce going to be the leafy part or crispy part? diced onions or whole sliced? On and on they went. And through their entire ordering process I had but one thought:

"It's a hamburger."

After they ordered and sat down, I went back to work. But that didn't last too long. The guy stood up from his table to manage how their burgers were being cooked. This is when I lost all concentration on what I was doing and focused completely on this couple. He was complaining about how the speed at which the cheese was melting on the burger. THE CHEESE! ! ! He kept asking the woman at the grill to put a cover over the cheese to speed up the process. I believe his exact words were:

"Don't you have something to cover up the cheese so it'll melt faster? You speak english? Comprendé? Melto Cheeso. Maybe I should come back there and cook the thing." I couldn't believe it. The entire place was silent except for the sounds of him and his wife chuckling at his joke. The cashier eventually translated to the cook what to do after she had finished taking a to go order over the phone. And just as I think this guy couldn't get any douchier, he tells his wife to get up and take a look at the meat on the grill to see if it's the way she wants it.

I was totally perplexed, I thought these kind of people only existed in movies! What were they doing at a Fat Burger?!? I tried to get back to work, but curiosity got the better of me, and all I could do was ease drop on their conversation to try and find out what kind of things this couple talks about. Reader's Digest version: their entire conversation evolved around complaining about their friends, complaining about the work being currently done to their house and complaining about how bad their burgers were.

I was completely finished with my meal, and no longer in the mindset to work; but I wanted to wait until they were gone before getting up to leave, just so I get the full experience. At the entrance to the restaurant is a giant trash can with a compartment on top to place your trays when people finish eating. Just like every other fast food restaurant around the world has done since the beginning of fast food. You finish eating, you dump your trash, and you place your tray on top of the other trays; it's that simple. I've even seen 4 year olds climb on top of trash cans to get that tray up there. I'll give you one guess as to what this couple did with their trash.

Anyways, I learned two important lessons tonight:

1) I need to start tipping the tip bucket a lot more and not just the servers in a sit down restaurant.

2) Even douche bags can find love; but it's usually with another douche.

Day 265 ::: Possible back up plan?

I came across an interesting story on cnn this morning. I still plan on one day living on a boat in the marina, but just in case that falls through for whatever reason, it's good to know I'll have other options. These guys really took what I'm doing to the next level.

Day 255 ::: hmmmmmm

Haven't been sleeping too well lately. At first I thought it was due to the cold weather at night, or maybe the endless hours I've been putting in at work, or maybe 8 months of living in a van are starting to take its toll. Who knows really?

The last time I slept in actual bed was in May, and I can't even remember the last time i was able to take a nap on my own free will. I've been getting the "heavy eyes" at work more often too. Before it used to only happen in the afternoon, which is pretty common amongst everyone I think. But lately, it's been even happening in the morning which hasn't happened before.

Perhaps, the next free weekend that comes up, I'll splurge on a hotel room for a couple days.

Day 252 ::: Hasta Lasagna Summer

It's been pretty chilly at night lately. In addition to my normal blanket, this past week I've had to bring out my sleeping bag a few times. Which is a sign to me that summer's over and fall has arrived. This also means I'm eventually going to have to go into storage and swap out my summer clothing for my winter clothing (a couple sweatshirts and a few more pairs of jeans essentially.)

I'm also thinking about putting my surfboard back into storage as well. The time I spend at work doesn't let me go out nearly as much as I'd like to, and putting away my board along with my surf gear would free up a lot more space in the van too. But we'll see how that goes. If anything, having the board inside helps to conceal anything that would suggest there's a person living inside.

Day 243 ::: Pay Day

Chiat generally pays there employees on the 15th and the last day of the month. So today's check was representative of September 1st to the 15th. Here's what my time sheet report looked liked for those 2 weeks:

I look forward to the day when I'm done paying my dues. But until then, this just makes the whole van thing that much more sensible. Why should I throw away over $1,000 a month on an a place I won't even get to live in? Another benefit is that I never have to worry about falling asleep at the wheel while going home either. After all, my commute's only about a block and a half.

Day 240 ::: My week with Cassius

This week I dogsat Cassius while his owners Rob and Alexa were away on their honeymoon. They're gone for a month, but my friends Riki and Erin are alternating dogsitting duty while they're away.

I think Monday night was a bit confusing for Cassius when I stopped the van and moved to the back of it rather than out the door. With his head tilted, he kinda just stared at me blankly as his tail went from full wag to a complete stop. By weeks end he had gotten so use to the routine, that he didn't even bother to run up to the passenger seat anymore. Instead he would just curl up on a pillow near the back of the van.

Aside from a wretched fart Cassius let loose on Wednesday night, the week went by pretty smooth. And it was nasty, I mean REALLY nasty. The kind where you can practically taste it in your mouth. Remember, I'm in a minivan with closed windows (to keep out the mosquitos,) so air doesn't really circulate. I don't think I've ever been more thankful for matches.

and fyi: Cassius is a total bed hog.

Day 223 ::: Much needed zzz's

So here's what my work schedule's been like so far this week:

Sunday ::: 12:30pm to 11:59pm
Monday ::: 12:00am to 5:00am then 8:30am to 11:59pm
Tuesday ::: 12:00am to 11:59pm
Wednesday ::: 12:00am to 9:00pm

The Goose has never looked so good.

Day 214 ::: Road Trip to San Fran Part IV

After lunch, we said our goodbyes to Trevor and his sister Mari; and began the trek back home to Los Angeles. The drive didn’t feel that long though, time always has a way of passing by quickly when I’m with this bunch.

These days, Amy, Angela and Armando are the closest thing to family I have up here in Los Angeles. We each came here in pursuit of our dreams, and somehow found one another along the way. Should you ever get the chance to meet them, you will learn just as quickly as I did, that they are the easiest people to ever fall in love with. And I would do anything they ever ask of me. Well, except for maybe moving into an apartment. Which they STRONGLY urged a number of times when I first started living in the Goose. Fortunately, enough time has passed to where they’ve now learned to accept my lifestyle and also support my dream of one day living on a boat in the marina.

We come from such different walks of life, and grew up in such different places around the country (or world in Armando’s case.) Yet somehow, we compliment one another well. I'm not sure how else to explain it, except for by saying life feels both fuller and well lived when they're around.

I am really going to miss them when we end up going our separate ways; but such is life I suppose. Los Angeles is too small to contain people them. Amy, Angela and Armando have an adventurous spirit that really embraces life. Even if it means living in another country, (which is actually something they have all already done.) It’s a quality not often found in people, but they each possess it. It’s what brought them to Los Angeles, and it’s what will inevitably carry them towards their next endeavor.

Even though a huge part of me will be saddened every time one of them leaves, I’d like to think that the better part of me will be joyful for each of them when that day comes. Because wishing for them to stay would not only be selfish, but it would also be crippling them from being both who they are and the friends that I am already so much in love with. I really do want what’s best for each of their lives; even if it means I'm not around to be a part of it.

I don't know how many more road trips we have left together; but I am thankful for every second I get to share with them. Because I've realized that many years from now, when I am looking back at the times I've shared with these three, I will know that for a brief chapter in my life, I had something really special.

Day 213 ::: Road Trip to San Fran Part III

We got the day started with a visit to Lombard Street, and some clam chowder in sourdough bread bowls by the pier for lunch. Mmmmmmmmm Tasty! The nine hour drive up was worth it alone for that clam chowder. Seafood is so much better up here. Even the fried calamari, which is probably a no no when it comes to eating “fresh” seafood was amazing.

The rest of the afternoon was spent hanging out near the Golden Gate Bridge and also in Sausalito. Dinner on a couple cement benches by the docks was really peaceful and relaxing, but I think catching the sunset on our way back into the city was the clear highlight of the day.

Day 212 ::: Road Trip to San Fran Part II

Today consisted with: sleeping in till 11:30, college football, paying tribute to the “Full House” house, some shopping, seeing Amy’s old apartment, a cross dressing stripper, witnessing a ridiculous bar fight and lots and lots of alcohol.

One word to sum up everything, fantasmical.

Day 211 ::: Road Trip to San Fran Part I

For Labor Day weekend this year, the Goose was converted back into "mini-van mode." My friends Amy, Angela, Armando and I decided to spend our three-weekend up in San Francisco while visiting our other friend Trevor (aka Ang’s manbuddy,) who had just recently moved there for work.

It was pretty ironic; while everyone was packing to go up north for the weekend, I was actually unpacking to prepare for our trip.

Nine hours, two gas stations and a bunch of junk food snacks later, we finally arrived at Trevor’s place. His roommates were out of town, but they were kind enough to offer up their rooms. Mine may have been the only room without an actual bed in it; but I was just thankful to have a roof over my head again.

Day 183 ::: A New Spot to Shower

The office was closed today because they’re moving a few departments around within the agency. Which meant my access to the shower was cut off. A couple friends offered up theirs, but I figured I’d try out something new instead :)

I was a little bit nervous at first, especially when other people were passing by. Some would pretend not to notice, others would check to see if their wallets and ipods were still in place. I couldn't help but laugh a little.

Fortunately, there were a couple of hare krishnas and another homeless guy doing the same thing I was. So I just faked my confidence and followed their lead. i thought about asking to take a photo with them, but then I figured it'd probably be a bit inappropriate.

Anyways, here's a couple tips I picked up if you ever decide to try showering by the beach:

1) Shower before 8am; that's when the custodians usually get there to clean up.

2) Board shorts are nice, but swimming trunks with an elastic waist band are better.

3) Forget about using bar soaps and your normal shampoo/conditioners. Stick with the shower gel stuff.

4) Also bring a belt or rope of some kind to tie down the shower water button. Pushing that button every five seconds gets annoying after a while.

5) Don't forget to look around and take in where you are. While most people are staring at a tiled wall as they shower, you'll be gazing into the pacific ocean as you start your day.

Day 170 ::: Down by the River

Last night I tried something new and slept "down by the river" as the saying goes. Some friends always joke about it at work, and I figured I should try it at least once.

I also helped my friends Rob and Alexa dog sit today. Below are a couple shots of us hanging out by the river before I drove to work.

While leaving Venice, I also stumbled upon a little residential area by the canals. It's probably the closest Venice will ever come to being like the original Venice. Anyways, I think it's safe to assume that you have to be uber wealthy in order to live in one of these homes.