Skipped breakfast today, but ended up having lunch around 11:30ish. I wanted to eat half of it and save the other half for later, but my stomach got the better of me and I ended up finishing the whole thing.
I went and saw a movie later in the afternoon with some friends and ate one of my granola bars. And then later on in the evening I had an apple for dinner.
Today also marks 2 weeks since I started my "Chiat diet." I have to admit that I've reached a point now where I'm really looking forward for this thing to end. I'm starting to miss the taste of certain foods that I haven't had in a while. I find myself remembering and imagining the taste of anything I come across constantly. And nights where I end up going to bed hungry are really starting to become tiresome. Thankfully, I'm on the brink of reaching the halfway point.
Today's Weight: 167.4 lbs (-5 lbs from initial weigh in.)