Day 26: It Happened Again!

On the last friday of every month, the office provides everyone with free donuts for breakfast. I wasn't all that hungry when I got in though, so I snagged half a donut that someone had already sliced in half.

When lunch time came, I thought I'd finish off that soup noodle I had picked up from the surf bar on monday. But to my surprise, when I had opened the container, the soup noodle looked a lot different from when I had picked it up on monday. I couldn't believe it, someone had eaten food I had put in the refrigerator again.

Here's what the soup noodle looked like on Monday:

Here's what it looked like today:

All that was really left was tofu, broth and a little bit of rice. Yummy.

Fortunately, i was able to find some sandwiches left on the surf bar form California Pizza Kitchen.

When it came time for the cafeteria's Friday afternoon ditch, I picked up some fruit to bring home for the weekend.

With all that extra fruit, I thought it'd be okay to eat the other apple i had picked up yesterday that I was going to save.

Today was also my friend Mildred's last day in the office, so her team threw her a going away party with some snacks that I munched on.

As I was leaving the office, there was a bowl of candy in the studio that I couldn't resist snagging a few pieces from. I don't think I've had candy all month.

It had been a pretty busy work week, so for dinner I thought I'd have one of the beers I had taken a couple weeks back. The beer tasted fine, but the mediterranean chicken I had taken from Monday was beginning to lose its muster. I think tomorrow I might have to toss it.

Today's Weight: 166.2 lbs (-6.2 lbs from initial weigh in.)