Not much around the office for breakfast this morning, so aside from my usual cup of orange juice I decided to eat the bagel I had snagged yesterday.
There weren't any catered meetings going on, so lunch pickin's were pretty slim. Around 2:30ish or so, I did score a chocolate chip cookie; although that only wet the appetite and made me even more hungry.
So a few minutes later while doing another lap for food around the office, I found a french fry that had dropped near a microwave in the cafeteria.
. . . It was probably one of the best french fries I'd ever eaten.
I learned today that when the usual meeting rooms and hot spots turn up dry, the next best place to look for food is unfinished leftovers from your friends. (mucho thanks Jen and Eclaire!)
As the afternoon went on, I grabbed some popcorn to snack on around 3ish.
But the best part of the day was when 5:30ish came around. In a building filled with 700+ employees, there's a good chance that on any given day, it's somebody's birthday. And where there's a birthday, there's cake and appetizers. Jackpot!
I think the last time I felt full after eating a meal was on Monday.
Before leaving, in an effort to include more nutrients in my diet, I decided to have a glass of soy milk from the company fridge. I've never been a huge fan of the stuff; but as it turns out, it's really quite good for you and pretty high in nutrients. So even though the taste of it still weirds me out a little, I think soy milk might become part of my regular routine. And who knows, maybe I'll even start liking it.
Today's Weight: 170.4 lbs (-2 lbs from initial weigh in.)