Day 8

When I got into the office, there was a very tempting plate of brownies sitting at my desk. My friend Ali had made them for an academy awards party she and her husband had hosted the night before. At the time she didn't know about my little food experiment, so I guess technically they would have been okay to eat. However, doing so would create the perception that people can just make food at home and bring it to me at the office; which is the last thing I want. So regretfully, I passed them onto my partner Katie.

But the morning wasn't a complete bust, I was still able to get a bagel and some orange juice. My friend ted also told me there was a full on catered breakfast meeting for pepsi nearby, but by the time I got there, the kitchen staff were already cleaning it up. . .Sigh. I've really been craving eggs since last week's episode of lost.

Remember that leftover salad from last Friday? Well that was my lunch for today. The lettuce had become pretty soaked in with the dressing and the fried wontons were anything but crispy, but at least it was something. There was some leftover quesadilla from Friday in there as well, but the taste reminded me of hamburger for some reason.

Later in the afternoon, i did my usual patrol around the office and was able to score some leftover salad from my friend Riki.

Around 5ish, I did another lap and came across a leftover unfinished tuna salad wrap from my buddy Go. Granted it had been sitting out for about 4 hours, but whatever, dinner was served.

I was at the office till about 7, but before leaving I drank some soy milk and had a little bit of the salad I had just picked up.

I'm starting to wonder if I should ban leftovers all together from my food experiment. It seems lately that this is becoming more of a "Leftovers diet" rather than "The chiat diet." not that I don't appreciate the meals, but I'm beginning to question their overall legitimacy. Earlier in the afternoon, a friend brought me 1/2 of a Ghiardelli chocolate bar by the trash can he had just so happen to come across. I immediately threw it out when he left. Are some of my friends purposefully not finishing their meals just so that I might have some food to eat? Granted it's only been a week, but I've done my best to keep this as pure as possible. And I think these leftover meals might be tainting its purity. I'll see how tomorrow goes, but I may just end up banning leftovers from my diet completely.

Today's Weight: 169.8 lbs (-2.6 lbs from initial weigh in.)